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4 Best Anti-Inflammatory Skincare Products

Do irritants and pollutants that your face comes into contact with throughout your day to day disrupt your skin? Inflammation is often the result of your skin being irritated by any form of disruption -- like even injuries or bacteria.

By incorporating anti-inflammatory ingredients into your skincare routine and products, you can block the effects of irritants that seek to cause swelling and inflammation! Let's take a look below at some of the best ingredients to look for.


Aloe = one of the first ingredients to look for! Aloe is well known for taking away inflammation and pain that can sometimes occur as a result. This is one of the best known soothing agents!


A great way to fight those free radicals is to use products that contain antioxidants. Antioxidants like Vitamins C, E, and D along with ginger and green tea are great to prevent inflammation and even damage to collagen.

Witch Hazel

This is a magical (pun intended) ingredient that contains a bunch of good compounds! The compounds gallic acid and tannins both have healing properties when applied topically to the skin to reduce inflammation.


Use at least an SPF 30 to help keep inflammation at bay! While this isn't necessarily an ingredient, always using a good SPF can help block damage from the sun's rays that cause both aging and inflammation.

Did you know that Liquid Sunshine and Dreamy Drew Drops both contain anti-inflammatory ingredients and properties? We'd love for you to give our all-natural products a try!

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