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Harmful Skincare Ingredients You Should Avoid

Not all skincare is created equal. In a perfect world, all of our skincare products would be made purely from natural and organic ingredients. But unfortunately, in far too many products there are tons of harmful and toxic ingredients being used! Over time, this can cause more damage and increased aging to your skin after repeated use. Next time you are shopping for skincare, read the ingredients and labels, and avoid those listed below at all costs!


Parabens are used as preventatives in so many products, including soap, lotion, and makeup. They're meant to stop bacteria from growing in the solution, but they're also major endocrine disruptors and can lead to hormonal imbalances. When severe enough, it can even lead to breast cancer.

Artificial Fragrance/Parfum

Did you know manufacturers don't have to list ingredients in their fragrances? Instead, they just need to list "artificial fragrance/parfum." That means these could contain any number of carcinogens, allergens, or irritants! Even in those "unscented" products.

Sodium Lauryl Sulfate and Sodium Laureth Sulfate

These are foaming agents and surfactants used in a whole range of products. SLS and SLES can cause skin irritations, trigger allergies, and can even stimulate nitrosamines (chemical compounds that are made up of 90% carcinogens).


Phthalates are a plasticizer and they aren't an ingredient meant for your skincare. It's meant for their plastic containers to keep them from becoming brittle. Yikes. They're also commonly found in nail polish and hair spray.


Chances are you recognize this word from any true-crime show, and it does NOT make you feel good. It's scary that it's an ingredient used in many skincare products! Formaldehyde is a carcinogen linked to asthma, neurotoxicity, and developmental toxicity.

If you're looking for clean beauty -- safe products for humans that don't contain any harmful or toxic elements -- take a look at our Mo and Me products! We list each ingredient for you and are positive you will be happy with your results.

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